Everyone who comes to the hall for the first time faces a dilemma: what to choose for workout - bodyweight exercises or exercise machines? We recommend both, but with proper approach and medical admission.


  •  Allows to develop correct motility.
  • Increases endurance and strength-building indicators.
  • Allows to apply local load to individual muscle groups requiring special attention and workout.
  • Has a preventive effect: lifts the load from the spinal column.

The machines are set to have initial position and trajectory, so the work is facilitated.

In fact all exercise machines are safe and work absolutely without noise.


Before you proceed to active workout, you need to warm up. The objective is to increase the heart rate and ramp up the blood circulation. The blood will generate oxygen and nutrients, the muscles will become more elastic, and therefore - prepared for physical load.

The average load time is about 7-10 minutes.

It would be sufficient to bring the pulse to 130 beats and keep it at this level for several minutes.

Cardio workout types

  • Fat burning.
  • Increased endurance of the cardiovascular system.

To achieve the most effective result of cardioexerciser training, it is recommended to consult the club doctor.


The free weights comprise barbells, dumbbells, bodybars, disks, locks, i.e. everything that we can move ourselves in any plane and direction. The movement trajectory, when working with free weights, is not constrained by ring cords or guides.


  • Inclusion of more joints and muscle groups in workout.
  • Maximum development of muscle strength.
  • Increased energy output and intensity of the workout.
  • Acceleration of fat burning process.

There are numerous techniques allowing to enhance the effectiveness of work with free weights. Choose the best one; you will be helped by the personal coach.

Our club is equipped with up-to-date equipment of proven brands with worldwide reputation: Precor, Hummer, Hoist, Foreman and many others.

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