Dmitry Filimonov

Personal trainer

Gym instructor, Master coach

Crossfit Trainer Level 1, international certification


Active member of the National Union of Health, Sports and Medical Fitness; Certified specialist in kinesiological taping and biomechanics of sports movements; Graduate of Ben Weider College of Bodybuilding and Fitness, honors diploma




• Functional training; personal and team coaching for beginners and experienced athletes; the course is aimed at getting fit, increasing strength, endurance and coordination of movements.

• Rehab. Recovery after minor sports injuries, workouts for people with hernias and impaired muscles or joints; Posture improvement; correction of muscle imbalance; the coach has a broad experience in successful recovery of athletes in various sports.

• Kinesiological taping

• Myofascial fitness


Myofascial fitness:

• Use of special massage rollers for muscle recovery

• Improving training progress and overall performance by normalization of muscle tone.

• Improving skin condition and getting rid of cellulite (improving water and salt metabolism, collagen production, lymph flow).

• Posture correction, increasing range of motion and general flexibility.

• Removing pain syndromes, muscle numbness; improving blood microcirculation

• Contraindications: pregnancy, skin diseases, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, chronic diseases in the acute period, oncological diseases, open wounds, hypertension stage 2 or higher.

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